Cloud Powered Mobile Apps

Why Choose AWS for Mobile Apps?


Grow your mobile app without guessing resource needs. Remove the burden of guessing what to invest in as you prepare for your mobile app deployment.


Focus on making your app great instead of testing which hardware it works best on. The AWS platform delivers easy to use tools for testing and delivery.


Increase customer engagement by sending push notifications to individuals or groups of users, you can send just a few messages or scale to billions a day.

Better apps, better reviews

Make your app the branding flagship for mobile customer engagement. Through a single console you can manage building, testing, and analyzing your apps’ performance on mobile devices.

Mobile Apps tooling provided by AWS


Build dynamic reporting and scalability into new and existing applications with AWS. The AWS Mobile Hub offers you easy to use tools for your application needs.


Pay for only the services you need before investing capital and valuable resources on your mobile app


Improve customer engagement with push notifications. Optimize your app by tracking usage and monetization metrics with AWS. Measure and analyze the success of your mobile app in the console.


Contact Us

We are industry leaders in Cloud services such as AWS and Azure. Contact us for your cloud infrastructure needs. We can help migrate your computing resources to the cloud with minimum downtime, while increasing security, reliability and scalability. Our engineering team is located in India, providing services for many Global clients.